How would you rate your oral communication skills? – 10 Strategies

Do you consider yourself to be an effective communicator? You certainly wouldn’t be the only one in this situation. So, how would you rate your oral communication skills?

Most people claim to have oral communication skills, which are required in almost every job—but just what does it include exactly? What would it mean to have such abilities in your professional life?

People who are effective communicators, both vocally and in writing, are in high demand in most occupations. It pays to know what’s involved in excellent oral communication since it’s one of the main factors to success.

Communication and interpersonal skills in the job are all about being able to present information clearly and simply so that the information is comprehended and the task is completed. It’s all about being able to communicate effectively with your audience and being able to understand what they’re thinking. It implies that you are able to do things like an offer and comprehend directions, learn something new, make a request, ask questions, and express information with ease.

Additionally, it implies the ability to learn quickly from new circumstances, read other people’s body language, negotiate compromises, have tough talks, and avoid or resolve conflict. When it comes to communication, it’s all about being empathetic and understanding how your words and actions will be interpreted by others. Becoming an excellent listener is just as important as being an excellent communicator.

Your ability to communicate effectively is one of the best tools you may have in order to succeed in life. Employers, on the other hand, are looking for these skills more than any other. You may want to keep these tips in mind if you are deficient in this area.

1. Think before you talk

Pausing before responding to a question may help you provide an effective answer. As a result of taking some time to think, you’ll be able to distil your ideas into a single, short sentence. If you’re in a hurry to react, you may not be able to convey your message in the way you planned. Your audience will get the idea that you thought things through before speaking if you take a few moments to pause and reflect.

Similar to this, you shouldn’t feel the need to interrupt the quiet of your opponent. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated by the other person, rather than disturbing their thoughts. Professionalism is shown as well as a genuine interest in what the other person says. It is a very important oral communication skills which you must rate for.

2. Simplify your language

In addition to making your message more comprehensible, brief speaking may also help you reach your audience more quickly. Before you talk, consider how you might convey the information in the fewest possible terms. When writing or speaking, keep your phrases and words simple and exclude extraneous material. Taking these steps will guarantee that your audience understands and responds to your main arguments. As a result of your directness, there will be no misunderstandings when you provide instructions or expectations to your coworkers.

3. Know who you’re talking to

For rating your oral communication skills, you must put yourself in the shoes of your audience if you want to successfully express your ideas. Make sure you communicate information in a way that everyone can understand, particularly when addressing complicated or technical issues. Also, keep in mind that various populations have distinct communication preferences, so attempt to reflect their culture or personality while writing for them. For instance, you’d address a close buddy in a different way than you’d address a corporate leader.

Before giving a presentation, consider who your audience is and what they already know. It’s much simpler to customize your message to the requirements of the people you’re trying to reach when you know who you’re talking to. Using a personalized approach guarantees that your audience remains engaged since you only offer them the content that is most relevant to them.

4. Pay attention to your voice for oral communication skills

The way you employ your tone may have a significant impact on how your audience responds to you orally. Make a good impression by using a grin and a pleasant tone. In the meanwhile, seeming bored or indifferent when you talk might turn off listeners. Also, employ inflexion and a variety of tones to draw attention to key ideas. This is a simple strategy to get your audience’s attention and a great measurement to rate your oral communication skills.

Another option is to mimic the tone of another person’s voice by mimicking their words. You may do this by speaking gently when they talk softly or if they are eager, attempt to match their enthusiasm. For example, When people hear voices that sound like their own, they are more likely to participate.

5. Keep an eye out for little cues from your body

Despite the fact that a body language is a nonoral form of communication, it may have an impact on the messages you convey. Using relaxed body language, such as avoiding crossing your arms or tightening your body, provides a feeling of confidence and authority that encourages others to listen to you. Using open body language also helps you look more receptive to receiving messages, making people feel more comfortable speaking to you.

Maintaining eye contact and correct posture is two more methods to show confidence in your body language. In addition to using your voice, gestures and facial expressions may help you make your arguments and draw the attention of your audience. As long as you don’t overdo it with movements or look excessively excited, you’ll be fine.

6. Engage in active listening to get the best results

Listening is just as important as speaking in a discussion since it shows that you care about the other person’s point of view and that you comprehend what they are trying to communicate. You’ll be able to establish more meaningful connections as a consequence. It is important to offer the other person your undivided attention in order to fully comprehend their thoughts and feelings. In order to get the other person to reciprocate and hear what you have to say, it is important that they feel heard.

The following are some examples of excellent active listening strategies:

  • Avoid making assumptions about people or creating stereotypes.
  • Get rid of anything that may be a source of distraction, such as a busy or otherwise distracting environment.
  • Avoid worrying about what you’re going to say in the future and instead pay attention to what the other person is saying.
  • To ensure that you thoroughly comprehend the facts or message, ask clarifying questions.
  • Before you react, wait for the other person to complete talking.

7. Be confident in your word

If you don’t sound confident while you’re speaking, your audience won’t believe you either. Establishing your reputation or authority will make people more inclined to listen to what you have to say. Conveying self-assurance may be done via body language and vocal intonation, to name just a few.

Making mental or physical notes on what you want to talk about might help you gain confidence before scheduled conversations, presentations, or speeches. It is not necessary to write a screenplay for your notes, but they should be able to summarize the essential things you wish to convey. Your notes demonstrate that you know what to concentrate on or where to move the discussion throughout your spoken contact. Having an oral communication strategy in place can help you feel more confident and prepared.

8. Be true to who you are

You may learn a lot from other people’s oral communication styles, but you should always be true to your own. Speakers who come off as sincere and open to the audience are more memorable. Accepting a lack of knowledge is acceptable, such as when one does not know the answer to a question. It’s better, to be honest with your coworkers than to pretend to know something and then provide an incorrect answer.

It also helps you create connections by allowing the audience to get to know you as a person throughout a discussion or presentation. It creates an atmosphere of trust and openness that encourages people to open up to you. A lack of trust might result from others thinking you’re putting on a show of pretending to be someone else. Since it is difficult to discern whether the dialogue is genuine, it may make it more difficult to create trust.

9. Hone your craft for oral communication skills

It’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action and put your oral communication abilities into practice. This will not only help you improve your communication skills, but will also boost your self-esteem as a speaker. In order to get comfortable with these approaches, use them as often as possible in your business and personal relationships.

Practise alone by delivering a presentation or speech in front of a mirror or by filming yourself doing so. For example, by restricting your emotions and keeping a polite manner, you may learn how to enhance your body language by observing yourself. Listen to your voice and tone as you record yourself. You may utilize these recordings to identify the areas in which you need to improve in order to communicate more effectively.

10. Obtain feedback

Practice your oral communication abilities in more realistic situations, such as in front of family or friends. This will not only make you more confident in front of people, but it will also provide you with the opportunity to get feedback. Ask friends and family to evaluate your oral and nonoral communication skills when you give a speech or presentation in front of a real audience. You’ll learn what you’re currently doing well and where you might do better as a result of their observations.

It’s not only about practice when it comes to asking for feedback. After you’ve given a presentation at work, get feedback from a trustworthy coworker or your immediate supervisor. Asking a supervisor might have additional advantages since it demonstrates your want to grow professionally. Once they are aware of your desire to improve your oral communication abilities, they may either keep an eye on your future performances to see how far you’ve come or provide you with additional opportunities to do so.


You will have a significant impact on your chances of being hired if you are able to communicate well with the interviewer. There is a lot of scrutiny on how you present yourself physically, as well as how you talk, how confident you are, and how you choose your words – the whole gamut. It’s important to practice answering probable interview questions and do as much preparation as possible in order to show off your oral communication skills. You can check students websites for acquiring the skills which are completely free.

Related: 10 free creative educational websites for students.

In the interview, you may be asked to describe a time in the past when you demonstrated effective communication. The possibilities are endless: a moment when you successfully avoided or ended a confrontation; a time when you sold a product to an unconvinced consumer; or an opportunity to present an idea to your employer. Your ability to demonstrate empathy, compassion and diplomacy, as well as your flexibility in responding to the current circumstances, are all assets that may be highlighted in a variety of ways. You can also take oral communication skills courses to enrich your communication craft.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what the oral communication skills imply; it will pay off in numerous ways. As long as you get it properly, your life and job will be a lot easier.


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